Universalūs Black Diamond Momentum apraišai visiems metų laikams. Keturios kilpos įrangai, trackFIT reguliuojami kojų diržai, ultra patogus juosmens diržas.
For all-around climbers who know that time spent fiddling with leg loops and adjusting a pinching waistbelt is time wasted, the Black Diamond Momentum delivers a time-saving design for all styles of climbing. A pre-threaded Speed Adjust waistbelt buckle saves time and eliminates error when tying in, while Dual Core Construction™ puts an emphasis on comfort, even when you’re posted up at a hanging belay. TrakFIT leg-loops easily adjust for cool fall days at the crag or blazing summer days on long multi-pitches, and four pressure-molded gear loops and a haul loop make this our most popular all-rounder.
Weight : 302 g (10.7 oz)